Well... I haven't been blogging in awhile.. it is almost like a sport.. Bloggin.. Maybe I'm just thinking of toboggan. Anyway, easy solution to an tough problem. I will be getting a new iPod Classic.. in black (once you go black.. you never go..... run track ?!?! huh?) for a graduation gift. I really do need it. I'll use in jewelry ALL the time when I'm working on stuff.
Over the last week I've been doing some script writing. I've been writing a script on my class, and it is basically the Office because my class is about 20 people in a very cramped place with lots of big personalities like Phyllis. The script is cool. Hopefully it rings true and isn't phony.
Another exciting thing is I'll be getting some original Ray Bans-- the coolest sunglasses around, and I won't look like an Alien wearing them. I have glasses and I have some Ban-esqe type of sunglasses, but they aren't prescription. So I need something for full on wear ( i put my sunglasses over my regular glasses, resulting in my regular glasses to get out of whack (they are tilting and getting crooked)