Hello All,
Yet again it has been way too long since I've updated. I've had finals, I'm home now, I've had my birthday (19), there has just been a lot of stuff going on.
- School -
I had finals. 2D's final was my floor cloth (basically a rug). I need to put a picture up of it. It's really cool, and I'm impressed on how it turned out. I didn't even have a concrete idea, I just kinda ran with it.
I didn't really have a final in English, but I had my last paper. Ohh English Composition... My final paper was comparing and contrasting these two paintings in the library at my school. That was a hard assignment, I won't go into depth over it because even I had a hard time understanding the point of the assignment.
And lastly, in drawing there were two drawings that should and could have taken over 36 hours to complete. One was an inside class and an outside class drawing. Inside meaning inside the classroom where we had to come in and work after class, on the weekends, anytime we could. One kid from my class spent the night in the building (not allowed), he said "he escaped the security guards." Then outside was a still live that I had set up in my room.
All in all I got B's in all my classes. I was very relieved to see it on Blackboard yesterday... kind of a birthday present to myself... I pretty much knew I was going to get B's in 2D (my teacher NEVER gave A's) and English, but at midterm I had a C in drawing. So as you can imagine, I was scared for those final drawings. I think my teacher saw how much I improved (I improved SO much) so that justified my B.
Alright moving on, I am really glad to be home. I have access to really great Internet here. I can sleep in my own bed. I'm not around people constantly. I can eat healthy again. I get to see my friends again. It's great. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a total antisocial freak. I like people around, but when you are around the same people with NO breaks for 2.5 months it can get very annoying. I like to have "me time." I found "me time" at the computer lab. My roommates and friends think I have an addiction with the computer lab. I have no addiction, i just like to calm down and listen to the purr of the macs. If I may speak freely, I think my roommates have an addiction with facebook. They are always on fb. But I guess a lot of people are obsessed with that right now.
My roommate and I have started playing Frisbee which is good. She gets off facebook, and I get some fresh air and exercise. We always play at night, 10 p.m. or later- one time at 1 a.m., it was cold that night too. It was great roommate bonding. Well I found a TMNT frisbee....
Turtles frisbee in the hall closet of my house and I played with it today with Alex. When I play with Macy I'm not that good. Her frisbee is heavier and harder than mine. I played much better with mine today.
Oh, so I'm not sure If I told everyone about my problem with registering for classes next quarter. So I got a time ticket for 7:30 p.m. and I logged on, signed up for the teachers and times that I wanted, then I emailed my academic adviser and he told me that I hadn't signed up for any classes. I almost flipped. I found out I signed up for the Winter 2008 classes- I was supposed to sign up for the Winter 2009 classes. I don't know what I was thinking, but I guess I live in the pass. Anyway, I got it all figured out. I'm good, and I'm happy about my classes. Monday/Wednesday at 8 a.m. I have 3D design. 2p.m. Art History
Tuesday/Wednesday 5 p.m. color theory.
Well I've missed three Office episodes because I never watch any tv while I'm at school. So those three were good. My favorite was the one where Michael went to Canada. It was cool to see Andy being nice to Oscar and not annoying-well not too annoying, it is Andy. I got an office trivia game for my bday. Some questions are hard, but I can't wait to challenge some really avid office watchers.
Speaking of which, yesterday (November 25) was my birthday. I turned 19. I felt as if it was just another day.
I bought and am growing a mini french Christmas tree. It was in the dollar section at target, I've been responsibly watering it EVERYDAY, and it is slowly but surely growing. I can't wait for it to get bigger.
I downloaded a LOT of music today, I got an iTunes card which prompted me to
downloaded some music. I used the Genius tool on iTunes and picked out some sweet tunes.
Lastly you can see the Forest Gump picture^^ I've FINALLY seen Forest Gump. When I got to school I heard they filmed a few scenes in Savvy so I had to check out the movie. Sure enough the bench scene and the opening feather scene were shot in Savannah, GA. I didn't really like the movie that much. Jenny was kind of a ho, that should not have been respected by Forest. Anyway that is my film critique for this blog.
Enough of this,
Annie Yano
Question: Who else is EXCITED about Christmas?!?!?