Well today is December 26, and yesterday was Christmas day. It was fun. It felt different because Grace was gone, but I still got everything I wanted. I'll list some highlights:
a Wax Seal w/ my monogram, external hard drive, a much needed coat, some knitting needles, I got a cool handmade Botero ornament from Garc, I got two books from Jbaby for Hanukkah, also a framed picture that i'll take back to school. Some knit gloves from Grack. I just got some really great stuff, all practical too- my favorite!
I'll be babysitting for 3 days so that'll be a money making opportunity, so that is great too.
I'm also considering splurging for a new pair of really nice headphones vs. my skull candy ones. I'm really hard on my headphones so i bought a pair of skull candy ones in October and now they are all garbled :( humph, i was none too pleased.
TWO more days of Hanukkah!!!! (aghaghahgahg- the noise i make)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Time is Here!!!!
Yes indeed!
Well it's Christmas time now, and I only have 12 more days till I go back to school. I'm ready. I'm SO ready. I know once I get back to school I'll be wanting to come home. BUT I just need to get in the swing of things with my new classes and getting back to "normalcy" -whatever that is at art school.
I think in the last 3 entries I've talked about my knitting obsession. I'm still doing it, and fitting the grandmother persona even more....
I don't really have any news to report. Although, it doesn't really feel like Christmas to me... It might be the weather or the fact that Grace isn't here. I'm not sure, but it not feeling like Christmas to me isn't bothering me. I usually blow it out of proportion, but this year not so much.
Tonight I watched the Grinch Stole Christmas with Kackie and Alex and I don't remember it being SO short. Jeez, it was probably 20 mins of show without the commercials..
Julie and I have been celebrating Hanukkah this Winter, and it's been fun. I've been getting some pretty great stuff, and in Julie's words "it's only gonna get better." I loved the dish towel, I wonder what other dish rags I'll find around and staple together to make my curtain???? Only time and destiny will tell.
Also, since I've been working at the jeweler's I realized that is what I want to do. Either be a jeweler in a company or design. I'm just glad that I chose a career and am on the right path to achieving it.
I don't know how to end this entry... bye and Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday 12/08/2008
Hey, this is going to be a short one. Nothing REALLY exciting has happened on account of me not being in school. So, I'm just going to list some things that have been going on.
Responsibility from the tree <<<
ECONOMY (suffering)
Can't wait for the new classes (ok, i just wrote that to pump myself up for next year)
Well, "the tree" refers to the picture to the left. That is my Grow-A-Christmas tree! It's grown so much since I left school. I wake up everyday and water it, and then at night I check on it. It's so cute. Of course it won't be big enough for this xmas, but maybe next year. I just really hope it doesn't die.
Ok, the economy. I never realized how bad it was. While I was at school, I never watched the news. OR talked with anyone about anything "worldly" like I used to with Grace. I miss our political discussions, and by discussions I mean that Grace and I agree on pretty much everything so no real arguing or anything. And when discussing politics with someone else who is on an opposing side it can never end too pretty. So I tend to stray away from a conversation if I don't agree. ANYWAY! it's gotten really bad, and I wish it would all just go away for everyone's sake.
So, as I've mentioned before. I've been knitting a whole bunch. It's really fun. With all crafts I like to further myself in new techniques and challenging projects, and this isn't any different.
I'm ready for my new classes. I've picked out some good teachers/ classes. At all acceptable times, and I'm just ready! I can't wait for art history. I'm ready to re-learn that stuff again. I just like reading it. I will most definitely outline the chapters, psychology style.
Bye, this was a lot longer than I thought...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A loss of Wisdom
Hello there face here! Does anyone remember Face from Nickelodeon? He was "just an alternate" between regular kid's nick shows, but he was still a part of my childhood upbringing.
Well as the post says, I will be losing some wisdom... tomorrow. In my other posts I had mentioned my wisdom teeth were hurting and giving me a pain on my lower right side. Ooh and did it hurt. Well I'm not a dentist, but I think I'm in the best situation as far as the removal of wisdom teeth goes. They are not impacted, they are growing straight, and the surgery shouldn't be too hurtful. But hey, I get to be on some pretty hardcore drugs before and after the surgery! yay street drugs!
On Saturday I had my "Last Supper" with the piano kids at Gosh. It was SO great to see and catch up with my favorite piano people. I just wish one person would've made an appearance.. and sadly he'll never "see" this blog ever...
Another surprise was my gift from Angel. That was the best book I've EVER seen on jewelry. Like the best. It was in color, it had all these really great methods. It was perfect. Thanks Angel!
Well at Gosh they were playing Christmas music and they played Wham!'s Last Christmas. Of course Lorel was singing along. Anyway, I thought of Grace and how she is singing this in her class with the other Japanese kids. I'm really glad she is going to learn all the words to the song so we can take parts and duet-it-up! Speaking of which, thank God for SKYPE, Grace and I talked or a record of 3 hours and 45 mins. It was really great. We got to catch up and talk about my college stuff and her Japanese stuff. It was really good catching up with her again. I miss that little tigger.
Much later but on the same day, an original Champeau bonfire happened. It was great as usual. We got to play the office game and talk about people like usual. I've missed those so much.
Last but not least, I've been on a knitting tear. Today I bought a bunch of needle and yarn to finish projects that were started and never finished (typical me), and stuff to conquer new stitches. I love teaching myself things. I can't wait! Cause I'll probably be in my bed recovering from the loss of my wisdom..
P.S. those are NOT my teeth. & My teeth will probably not look like that, although that would be cool.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Back home for the rest of 2008
Hello All,
Yet again it has been way too long since I've updated. I've had finals, I'm home now, I've had my birthday (19), there has just been a lot of stuff going on.
- School -
I had finals. 2D's final was my floor cloth (basically a rug). I need to put a picture up of it. It's really cool, and I'm impressed on how it turned out. I didn't even have a concrete idea, I just kinda ran with it.
I didn't really have a final in English, but I had my last paper. Ohh English Composition... My final paper was comparing and contrasting these two paintings in the library at my school. That was a hard assignment, I won't go into depth over it because even I had a hard time understanding the point of the assignment.
And lastly, in drawing there were two drawings that should and could have taken over 36 hours to complete. One was an inside class and an outside class drawing. Inside meaning inside the classroom where we had to come in and work after class, on the weekends, anytime we could. One kid from my class spent the night in the building (not allowed), he said "he escaped the security guards." Then outside was a still live that I had set up in my room.
All in all I got B's in all my classes. I was very relieved to see it on Blackboard yesterday... kind of a birthday present to myself... I pretty much knew I was going to get B's in 2D (my teacher NEVER gave A's) and English, but at midterm I had a C in drawing. So as you can imagine, I was scared for those final drawings. I think my teacher saw how much I improved (I improved SO much) so that justified my B.
Alright moving on, I am really glad to be home. I have access to really great Internet here. I can sleep in my own bed. I'm not around people constantly. I can eat healthy again. I get to see my friends again. It's great. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a total antisocial freak. I like people around, but when you are around the same people with NO breaks for 2.5 months it can get very annoying. I like to have "me time." I found "me time" at the computer lab. My roommates and friends think I have an addiction with the computer lab. I have no addiction, i just like to calm down and listen to the purr of the macs. If I may speak freely, I think my roommates have an addiction with facebook. They are always on fb. But I guess a lot of people are obsessed with that right now.
My roommate and I have started playing Frisbee which is good. She gets off facebook, and I get some fresh air and exercise. We always play at night, 10 p.m. or later- one time at 1 a.m., it was cold that night too. It was great roommate bonding. Well I found a TMNT frisbee.... The Mighty Ninja Turtles frisbee in the hall closet of my house and I played with it today with Alex. When I play with Macy I'm not that good. Her frisbee is heavier and harder than mine. I played much better with mine today.
Oh, so I'm not sure If I told everyone about my problem with registering for classes next quarter. So I got a time ticket for 7:30 p.m. and I logged on, signed up for the teachers and times that I wanted, then I emailed my academic adviser and he told me that I hadn't signed up for any classes. I almost flipped. I found out I signed up for the Winter 2008 classes- I was supposed to sign up for the Winter 2009 classes. I don't know what I was thinking, but I guess I live in the pass. Anyway, I got it all figured out. I'm good, and I'm happy about my classes. Monday/Wednesday at 8 a.m. I have 3D design. 2p.m. Art History
Tuesday/Wednesday 5 p.m. color theory.
Well I've missed three Office episodes because I never watch any tv while I'm at school. So those three were good. My favorite was the one where Michael went to Canada. It was cool to see Andy being nice to Oscar and not annoying-well not too annoying, it is Andy. I got an office trivia game for my bday. Some questions are hard, but I can't wait to challenge some really avid office watchers.
Speaking of which, yesterday (November 25) was my birthday. I turned 19. I felt as if it was just another day.
I bought and am growing a mini french Christmas tree. It was in the dollar section at target, I've been responsibly watering it EVERYDAY, and it is slowly but surely growing. I can't wait for it to get bigger.
I downloaded a LOT of music today, I got an iTunes card which prompted me to
downloaded some music. I used the Genius tool on iTunes and picked out some sweet tunes.
Lastly you can see the Forest Gump picture^^ I've FINALLY seen Forest Gump. When I got to school I heard they filmed a few scenes in Savvy so I had to check out the movie. Sure enough the bench scene and the opening feather scene were shot in Savannah, GA. I didn't really like the movie that much. Jenny was kind of a ho, that should not have been respected by Forest. Anyway that is my film critique for this blog.
Enough of this,
Annie Yano
Question: Who else is EXCITED about Christmas?!?!?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Hello and good evening, it is a sort-of-cold November Saturday in Savannah Georgia. I'm writing from my favorite place here at SCAD.... yes, the computer lab. I love it. So I've realized i haven't written in quite a long time. But not much has happened so I don't really have that much to say!
I'll re-hash the week and anything that has happened that was exciting. But I'm going to go all Willy Wonka and go backwards...
Friday 11/07
I strangely woke up at 8 a.m. on the dot, and wrote about 3 letters (to Julie, Lorel, and Emily). I then got dressed to go play tennis with my friend from my drawing class. I hadn't played tennis in a long time, so i was expecting to suck. Although, I wasn't as bad as I thought! I was also half expecting my friend to suck, but he wasn't bad. Later on Friday, I went to a movie called Role Models. WOW, funny stuff. It is Rated R, and for a good reason too. I hadn't even heard of it, but I liked it.
Thursday 11/06
I didn't go to English class on account of a big drawing assignment that I had put off... i know, but i hadn't skipped any English classes, and don't intend on skipping anymore. Then I went to drawing...nothing to exciting there.
Wednesday 11/05
uh... didn't go to ANY of my classes on account of sleeping in and... i just didn't want to go to 2D.... there I said it. But SERIOUSLY, i hadn't skipped any classes AT ALL before the 3 this week.
Tuesday 11/05
WOW, it was a HUGE day for me...
I woke up at 6 a.m., got in line to vote, went to get free Starbucks for voting, ate breakfast, went to English class, and then went to drawing. Then at 10:30 p.m. or so I came to the computer lab to watch the developments on the election. Luckily, I got to talk to Grace over Gtalk which was good, it was almost as if we were watching the election together! As I was walking back to my room, the outcome of Obama being the next president was out and it was crazy. People were screaming and cheering and doing crazy stuff. The police even showed up..Such a long day...
Monday 11/04
Came home from Lakeland- what a long drive.... ugh, but I DJ-ed the iPod and "knat" (knitted) a scarf for Jbaby. Then I went to 2D design to get the assignment on the final project which is a floor cloth (aka rug).
Sunday 11/03 -Friday 11/31
I was at home in Lakeland, and it felt REALLY good to be in my own bed and in my own room. I went shopping with my mom, and that was another successful trip. We got some bday/ Christmas gifts for Grace. Because she won't be home for Christmas we're making it extra special for her... I can't say too much because I don't want to give it away.... Didn't do anything for Halloween... saweee
I can't really remember too much about the week before that.. probably nothing exciting..
Although, I was spending a late night at the computer lab and i brought my iPod cord to charge my ipod. Anyway, the next day i thought I lost it and I was freaking out. So i came back to the lab and they didn't have it, but they had other cords and gave me one(it's a Apple Mac lab -- yay!). So guess what I found yesterday while I was playing tennis in a hidden pocket... my own ipod cord.... oh annie...
A really great thing that happened was when Julie came to visit! Julie came ALL the way from UF to visit me. and we had great fun. We went to the beach and we got TOTALLY soaked one day.. ha good times, that we decided she won't remember, but I will- whatever that means...
Ok, enough...
I'll re-hash the week and anything that has happened that was exciting. But I'm going to go all Willy Wonka and go backwards...
Friday 11/07
I strangely woke up at 8 a.m. on the dot, and wrote about 3 letters (to Julie, Lorel, and Emily). I then got dressed to go play tennis with my friend from my drawing class. I hadn't played tennis in a long time, so i was expecting to suck. Although, I wasn't as bad as I thought! I was also half expecting my friend to suck, but he wasn't bad. Later on Friday, I went to a movie called Role Models. WOW, funny stuff. It is Rated R, and for a good reason too. I hadn't even heard of it, but I liked it.
Thursday 11/06
I didn't go to English class on account of a big drawing assignment that I had put off... i know, but i hadn't skipped any English classes, and don't intend on skipping anymore. Then I went to drawing...nothing to exciting there.
Wednesday 11/05
uh... didn't go to ANY of my classes on account of sleeping in and... i just didn't want to go to 2D.... there I said it. But SERIOUSLY, i hadn't skipped any classes AT ALL before the 3 this week.
Tuesday 11/05
WOW, it was a HUGE day for me...
I woke up at 6 a.m., got in line to vote, went to get free Starbucks for voting, ate breakfast, went to English class, and then went to drawing. Then at 10:30 p.m. or so I came to the computer lab to watch the developments on the election. Luckily, I got to talk to Grace over Gtalk which was good, it was almost as if we were watching the election together! As I was walking back to my room, the outcome of Obama being the next president was out and it was crazy. People were screaming and cheering and doing crazy stuff. The police even showed up..Such a long day...
Monday 11/04
Came home from Lakeland- what a long drive.... ugh, but I DJ-ed the iPod and "knat" (knitted) a scarf for Jbaby. Then I went to 2D design to get the assignment on the final project which is a floor cloth (aka rug).
Sunday 11/03 -Friday 11/31
I was at home in Lakeland, and it felt REALLY good to be in my own bed and in my own room. I went shopping with my mom, and that was another successful trip. We got some bday/ Christmas gifts for Grace. Because she won't be home for Christmas we're making it extra special for her... I can't say too much because I don't want to give it away.... Didn't do anything for Halloween... saweee
I can't really remember too much about the week before that.. probably nothing exciting..
Although, I was spending a late night at the computer lab and i brought my iPod cord to charge my ipod. Anyway, the next day i thought I lost it and I was freaking out. So i came back to the lab and they didn't have it, but they had other cords and gave me one(it's a Apple Mac lab -- yay!). So guess what I found yesterday while I was playing tennis in a hidden pocket... my own ipod cord.... oh annie...
A really great thing that happened was when Julie came to visit! Julie came ALL the way from UF to visit me. and we had great fun. We went to the beach and we got TOTALLY soaked one day.. ha good times, that we decided she won't remember, but I will- whatever that means...
Ok, enough...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
hewoah you!
He-woah youuu!!!
So nothing really exciting has happened in my life. BUT, something very exciting WILL happen in a day or two (depending on how you look at things)! Julie Champeau aka jbaby aka Jewbaby aka Champy will be visiting me in Savvy for the weekend! I'm so excited that she is coming to visit and meet all the people i've been talking about for 5 weeks.
As far as school stuff, I'm finished with my collages in 2D. Thank god too, I was getting tired of looking at my old toothbrush in the collage. But during the critque, i got the most complements on the toothbrush. Now we're onto our Halloween project, which is a halloween scene and we cut out the negative space of the scene from a black piece of paper. I was thinking of using the castle that was used for Brideshead Revisited, but that was a little complicated with all the architectural elements.. Aka, the pediments and the cornices (shout out to APAH) So i decided to do a haunted house on a hill. I really wanted to just do a door with a latin saying above the door jamb. Possibly the title of the first chapter in brideshead revisited.. It went something like "Et Arcadia in Ego." Anyway, those are just ideas rolling inside my head.
Another thing, lately.. this is weird. I've been listening to Metro Station's Shake it. AND please dont get me wrong, it is a good and catchy tune. I love it, but it's so different from the songs i usually listen to. Anyway, just thought i'd get that out there.
Last thing, i gotta type a 900-1100 word essay on... the PIANIST! loves it, so i gotta get on dat before too long. But i just want to say that i miss baby gace. I finally got to talk to her on the phone after 2 months and it was so good to hear her voice. anyway...
XOXO gossip girl.
So nothing really exciting has happened in my life. BUT, something very exciting WILL happen in a day or two (depending on how you look at things)! Julie Champeau aka jbaby aka Jewbaby aka Champy will be visiting me in Savvy for the weekend! I'm so excited that she is coming to visit and meet all the people i've been talking about for 5 weeks.
As far as school stuff, I'm finished with my collages in 2D. Thank god too, I was getting tired of looking at my old toothbrush in the collage. But during the critque, i got the most complements on the toothbrush. Now we're onto our Halloween project, which is a halloween scene and we cut out the negative space of the scene from a black piece of paper. I was thinking of using the castle that was used for Brideshead Revisited, but that was a little complicated with all the architectural elements.. Aka, the pediments and the cornices (shout out to APAH) So i decided to do a haunted house on a hill. I really wanted to just do a door with a latin saying above the door jamb. Possibly the title of the first chapter in brideshead revisited.. It went something like "Et Arcadia in Ego." Anyway, those are just ideas rolling inside my head.
Another thing, lately.. this is weird. I've been listening to Metro Station's Shake it. AND please dont get me wrong, it is a good and catchy tune. I love it, but it's so different from the songs i usually listen to. Anyway, just thought i'd get that out there.
Last thing, i gotta type a 900-1100 word essay on... the PIANIST! loves it, so i gotta get on dat before too long. But i just want to say that i miss baby gace. I finally got to talk to her on the phone after 2 months and it was so good to hear her voice. anyway...
XOXO gossip girl.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Chicken Wednesday!!
Hello readers of Annie's Memorandum!!
Today is a lovely, sunny Wednesday morning.. well now currently afternoon, but still the same. We went to FYE.. aka first year experience where we talked about.... nothing! yay, nothing. I'm serious, and my teacher didn't even talk about how he can taste color. Yes, my FYE teacher says he can taste and smell color (i think it's a bunch of nothing, but if he can then he can). Although sometimes he says his food tastes beige.. which would be a let down. But other than tasting color he is okay. It just sucked that we had to wake up at 8:30 to go to a "class" to talk about nothing.
Let's see, nothing really new. I wrote a bunch of letters this week. [Angel, Bobby, Sabby, I'm talking to you..., I loved them all] I REALLY like getting mail, and I would REALLY like it if I receive mail. I know I was kinda slow on the return this week, but I was major busy.
1). I had to write a paper- and if you don't know, writing is my WORST subject
2). I had to draw my collages for 2D- and if you don't know, I'm terrible at drawing!
3). I had to go to the cemetery to draw-YUCK!-
4).... i know this is NOT an excuse, but the new Urban Outfitters opened, and I bought something (a dress, my friends made me buy it) and have gone twice in a 46 hour increment.
Dwight: The Schrutes have their own traditions. We usually marry standing in our own graves. Makes the funerals very romantic. But the weddings are a bleak affair.
I felt like that a lot while I was drawing.
Hey, Halloween is soon. I won't enjoy it here and Savvy, because I'm coming home for a brief visit!!!! You don't know how excited I am about that! I'm ready to come home for a bit. I'm going to see Loho, the bots, maybe a few others if they call me... who knows.
Oh, so my second english assignment is on a movie that has been widely released and has a lot of commentary on it. So I chose The Pianist. I know I ranted and raved about how great this movie is and I still believe that. I love love love it!
Oooh, Office tomorrow! I know this is a little late to say, but I don't like that Jim and Pam are together. I know i'm going to get hate mail after this, but I liked the subtleties of their earlier relationship.. or "ship" as Kate Scott would say. I just liked how it was kind of a secret.
Ha, I feel like a Pam in my drawing class. There are these two people in my class...actually kind of like Dwight and Angela. I've drawn little comics of them and their "love" -Typical Pam style.
"Dwight": Zak aka "Bam Bam" (I HATE HIM, he lives next door to me, yes the loud rap playing room till 2 a.m.) a 5 foot 5 individual backwards SCAD hat on. Long Island accent. Gross, disgusting, and rude individual. He isn't quite a Dwight as far as intense, and crazy attack plans, but still annoying.
"Angela": Arlene, a little bitchy Asian girl.. GUH!! I hate her too, she is SO judgemental!!! She fits the Angela mold a lot more.
Anyway, their relationship was EXTREMELY visible yesterday when he had his arm around her hip, and then Laura told me he had her up against a wall in the hallway.... "grinding" gah.. I'm so glad I wasn't there, but still juicy to hear about.
Ok so now that we've crossed the 10 day mark, I can not begin counting down the days till Julie will come and visit me! I'm very excited.
Currently listening to the Beatles.... Although, I feel as If I don't have enough. Ben and Grace have the WHOLE anthology it seems like...
Grace, if you're reading this, send me a few of the ones we used to listen to in the car.
Miss you all,
Annie.. aka Nana (yes), Banana
P.S. I'm not allowed to say 'boink' around my friends anymore, but they do like the "Hewoah you" greeting--all from Michael Gary Scott--
Today is a lovely, sunny Wednesday morning.. well now currently afternoon, but still the same. We went to FYE.. aka first year experience where we talked about.... nothing! yay, nothing. I'm serious, and my teacher didn't even talk about how he can taste color. Yes, my FYE teacher says he can taste and smell color (i think it's a bunch of nothing, but if he can then he can). Although sometimes he says his food tastes beige.. which would be a let down. But other than tasting color he is okay. It just sucked that we had to wake up at 8:30 to go to a "class" to talk about nothing.
Let's see, nothing really new. I wrote a bunch of letters this week. [Angel, Bobby, Sabby, I'm talking to you..., I loved them all] I REALLY like getting mail, and I would REALLY like it if I receive mail. I know I was kinda slow on the return this week, but I was major busy.
1). I had to write a paper- and if you don't know, writing is my WORST subject
2). I had to draw my collages for 2D- and if you don't know, I'm terrible at drawing!
3). I had to go to the cemetery to draw-YUCK!-
4).... i know this is NOT an excuse, but the new Urban Outfitters opened, and I bought something (a dress, my friends made me buy it) and have gone twice in a 46 hour increment.
Dwight: The Schrutes have their own traditions. We usually marry standing in our own graves. Makes the funerals very romantic. But the weddings are a bleak affair.
I felt like that a lot while I was drawing.
Hey, Halloween is soon. I won't enjoy it here and Savvy, because I'm coming home for a brief visit!!!! You don't know how excited I am about that! I'm ready to come home for a bit. I'm going to see Loho, the bots, maybe a few others if they call me... who knows.
Oh, so my second english assignment is on a movie that has been widely released and has a lot of commentary on it. So I chose The Pianist. I know I ranted and raved about how great this movie is and I still believe that. I love love love it!
Oooh, Office tomorrow! I know this is a little late to say, but I don't like that Jim and Pam are together. I know i'm going to get hate mail after this, but I liked the subtleties of their earlier relationship.. or "ship" as Kate Scott would say. I just liked how it was kind of a secret.
Ha, I feel like a Pam in my drawing class. There are these two people in my class...actually kind of like Dwight and Angela. I've drawn little comics of them and their "love" -Typical Pam style.
"Dwight": Zak aka "Bam Bam" (I HATE HIM, he lives next door to me, yes the loud rap playing room till 2 a.m.) a 5 foot 5 individual backwards SCAD hat on. Long Island accent. Gross, disgusting, and rude individual. He isn't quite a Dwight as far as intense, and crazy attack plans, but still annoying.
"Angela": Arlene, a little bitchy Asian girl.. GUH!! I hate her too, she is SO judgemental!!! She fits the Angela mold a lot more.
Anyway, their relationship was EXTREMELY visible yesterday when he had his arm around her hip, and then Laura told me he had her up against a wall in the hallway.... "grinding" gah.. I'm so glad I wasn't there, but still juicy to hear about.
Ok so now that we've crossed the 10 day mark, I can not begin counting down the days till Julie will come and visit me! I'm very excited.
Currently listening to the Beatles.... Although, I feel as If I don't have enough. Ben and Grace have the WHOLE anthology it seems like...
Grace, if you're reading this, send me a few of the ones we used to listen to in the car.
Miss you all,
Annie.. aka Nana (yes), Banana
P.S. I'm not allowed to say 'boink' around my friends anymore, but they do like the "Hewoah you" greeting--all from Michael Gary Scott--
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Week of October 4th

Hello, and sorry I have been distant. A lot has happened this week, and I haven't had a chance to really get on the computer and blog. So let me tell you about my week!
Monday, I had my academic advisement meeting to discuss what my intended major will be. I've decided that I'll major in Metals and Jewelry and minor in Accessory design! I've been on a tour to the accessory building and I thought it was REALLY neat. Like, I can make shoes and purses! I can't wait! About 5 hours later I went to my design class. We all got our grades back, no one got an 'A'. I was a bit disappointed, on account of my piece being on the wall. I *think * i got the highest grade. I got an 89 B. I talked to her about my piece, and she said if I would've just changed the boarder to the paisley one and made it smaller than it would have been perfect. Although, I didn't know we could play with the boarder! All in All, I got put up on the wall before anyone else and I was happy about that.
- Tuesday -
Nothing really happened on Tuesday. I had drawing. It rained EXTREMELY hard! Laura and I had to wrap our drawings in trash bags to prevent them from getting wet.
FYE class, was boring as usual. We went to tour the library and all it's wonders. Like our usual Wednesday tradition, we went to Chick fila for breakfast. 5 hours later, design happened. Nothing too big in here. We had to bring in our collages, and sketch them. BOO!! I hate drawing! After about an hour and a half of that we had a lecture on nothing but..... PAPER! Yes, paper! I felt like I was in one of Dwight's many lectures on paper. I was SO close to asking the guy what kind of top soil do they use for the trees, but I didn't. He was boring enough, I didn't want to make it even more boring.
English Comp happened and then drawing. Nothing too exciting in there either.
Another boo, NO OFFICE?!?!?!?
Woke up super early to get to the Art Trade Show. I was really excited to go to this. I went crazy with buying art supplies. I spent $106, and the money went really far. I bought 2 newsprint pads, 1 drawing pad, a paper palette pad, a Bristol (cough, sarah palin) pad, bundles of pencils, a really nice pen for 2 design. GOUACHE!, a large wooden clip board for drawing (we're going to the cemetery next thursday to draw... ooh scary!), charcoal, erasers, fixative, a lamp for 2D, a sketchbook that I don't really need, but w/e, got some free stuff too! I think I want to go back and buy paint brushes and a pencil case.
Later on that day, me, Macy and Megan went to Chills! I bought envelopes for the letters! Macy left for the weekend. Megan and I played a WONDERFUL prank. After that Megan and I went to the Marc Jacob store, and then went to the smoothie shop and the cupcake emporium! Later on we went to get pizza. I came home to an empty room, if felt good. I took a shower, and went to bed. About 10 mins later, I heard banging on my door. I opened it. It was none other than the flamboyantly Kenny and Megan wondering how I was all alone. They left soon after and then I went to sleep. As Pam might say "It was a good day."
One last thing, I'm loving the letters. Absolutely loving them! I just sent three yesterday, and I just love receiving them. Keep them coming!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
hey it's the WEEKEND!
Ok, so let me first talk about the office. LOVED IT. Pure copier + toner + stapler love. I did not like some things in the office and my office experience. I'll list them
1). Not in the Champ's living room crowded around my bestest friends.
2). JAM proposal. What was up with that... nuh uh, not cool.
3). did I mention that I wasn't with avid office fans??
Ok, so i guess it was only two things that I didn't like. But those two things were crucial. I don't understand why the writers thought that was "cute." If I may quote Michael Gary Scott "It was LAME." Yeah, the rain was great, but at a gas station?? Pammy deserves better than that, and don't call her Pammy!
Ok so early on Thursday I had no english class (loved that), and then drawing. I really hate all the kids in my drawing class except about 3 kids. But i'm only really friends with one person. Later on my thursday evening.... what did I do?? Oh i remember, after the 14 people that were in my room for the office vacated we hit the sack.
Majors Fair. Majors fair is where every single major at SCAD has a booth set up and they tell you how GREAT that major is. Everyone had to go to get their passport stamped for their FYE class. So i got mine stamped, and was almost going to leave, but I was like ' I should just look around." Luckily the jewelry table was right near the door. I picked up the curriculum paper and talked to the jewelry people, told them I am A). A worker, B). A good worker and C). a hard worker. No, just kidding. I didn't want to seem to merciless. But I did tell them I was very convinced on Jewelry being my major. Other people in my group said that going to the majors fair made them more unsure of what they wanted to do.
Later on Friday-
Went to the Mexican Buffet. I don't like Mexican food, but I tried the Pico, Guacamole, and something called a tequito. Anyway, it was all good. I still wouldn't say i like Mexican food, and I know be me saying that I might lose some friendships. But I'm sorry, I just dont like tacos and stuff. I don't know.. Sue me!
- Then me and my roomie went to the Mall. Got my fav headphones... YES, skullcandy bihs! I love those things, they are made from angels i think.
Later Later on Friday- went to a Jazz Festival. It reminded me of my old Jazz band days when i would play the sax and piano for my middle school jazz band. Oh, at this concert there was a lot of smoke from ciggs, cigars, and other smokeable products. I was thinking.. I wonder if any people with nose rings have any cloves, and if they could pass me one and I could smoke some of it..... I didn't cross any pathes with any people with nose rings. :(
Later on that night we went to this coffee house and I had a wonderful Bubble milk tea. It reminded me of the old escapades Grack and I would take to Shanghai Express.
After the Jazz fest- we walked back to my room and watched a movie.
-Early Saturday-
Went to get pizza for lunch.
Came back, watched Royal Tenenbaums.
Lolo called me while I was trying to do my drawing homework.
I'm sorry that your besties are gone. Lolo as Outback steakhouse might say "get out there." Meaning, go call the IB girls. Or go get drunk and tell someone your pregnant.
Later on I think i'll be going to the mall.. and YES i'll be going to the Gap. I think I've found true love.
Letters are welcomed!
*Also, most of the ridiculous things I wrote in here were quotes from the Office. Please don't get confused*
1). Not in the Champ's living room crowded around my bestest friends.
2). JAM proposal. What was up with that... nuh uh, not cool.
3). did I mention that I wasn't with avid office fans??
Ok, so i guess it was only two things that I didn't like. But those two things were crucial. I don't understand why the writers thought that was "cute." If I may quote Michael Gary Scott "It was LAME." Yeah, the rain was great, but at a gas station?? Pammy deserves better than that, and don't call her Pammy!
Ok so early on Thursday I had no english class (loved that), and then drawing. I really hate all the kids in my drawing class except about 3 kids. But i'm only really friends with one person. Later on my thursday evening.... what did I do?? Oh i remember, after the 14 people that were in my room for the office vacated we hit the sack.
Majors Fair. Majors fair is where every single major at SCAD has a booth set up and they tell you how GREAT that major is. Everyone had to go to get their passport stamped for their FYE class. So i got mine stamped, and was almost going to leave, but I was like ' I should just look around." Luckily the jewelry table was right near the door. I picked up the curriculum paper and talked to the jewelry people, told them I am A). A worker, B). A good worker and C). a hard worker. No, just kidding. I didn't want to seem to merciless. But I did tell them I was very convinced on Jewelry being my major. Other people in my group said that going to the majors fair made them more unsure of what they wanted to do.
Later on Friday-
Went to the Mexican Buffet. I don't like Mexican food, but I tried the Pico, Guacamole, and something called a tequito. Anyway, it was all good. I still wouldn't say i like Mexican food, and I know be me saying that I might lose some friendships. But I'm sorry, I just dont like tacos and stuff. I don't know.. Sue me!
- Then me and my roomie went to the Mall. Got my fav headphones... YES, skullcandy bihs! I love those things, they are made from angels i think.
Later Later on Friday- went to a Jazz Festival. It reminded me of my old Jazz band days when i would play the sax and piano for my middle school jazz band. Oh, at this concert there was a lot of smoke from ciggs, cigars, and other smokeable products. I was thinking.. I wonder if any people with nose rings have any cloves, and if they could pass me one and I could smoke some of it..... I didn't cross any pathes with any people with nose rings. :(
Later on that night we went to this coffee house and I had a wonderful Bubble milk tea. It reminded me of the old escapades Grack and I would take to Shanghai Express.
After the Jazz fest- we walked back to my room and watched a movie.
-Early Saturday-
Went to get pizza for lunch.
Came back, watched Royal Tenenbaums.
Lolo called me while I was trying to do my drawing homework.
I'm sorry that your besties are gone. Lolo as Outback steakhouse might say "get out there." Meaning, go call the IB girls. Or go get drunk and tell someone your pregnant.
Later on I think i'll be going to the mall.. and YES i'll be going to the Gap. I think I've found true love.
Letters are welcomed!
*Also, most of the ridiculous things I wrote in here were quotes from the Office. Please don't get confused*
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A really GREAT day
Today has been one of my best days here at SCAD so far. Well I guess it's been a combination of yesterday, today.. and if i can foretell the future- I think it'll be the best couple of days in awhile.
Yesterday I had English (least favorite class), and we watched this movie Full Metal Jacket. Let me just say, it was a very good movie. I'd never seen it before, so with fresh eyes it was a good movie for talking about Vietnam and being in combat in general. There are some gory scenes, and it is not a happy story by any means. It is war afterall. So after that I went to get sushi with Geary. We then took a wittle hour long break and than went right on to our drawing class (2nd favorite). Nothing really good happened in that class. For me, taking that class is when I am again reminded how terrible I am at drawing.
TODAY- Today i had to wake up really early.... 7:30 because of our First Year Experience class. And may I talk about how great the weather is here? It is absolutely splendid! It reminds me of those fall days when Grace and I would be driving home from school with the windows down and it would be windy and crisp, sunny, and cool. But besides waking up early, it was a good day, i'll continue.. I then remembered I had some mail coming my way. So i walked down to the basement of my building and opened my mailbox and nothing was there. The mailguy was still processing mail and stuffing it in boxes so I thought I would wait around. Right as I was walking around Julie called me, and I was SO excited to hear from her. 5 minutes later, I checked my box and TWO pieces of mail had come. Complements of Angel and Jewbaby.
Anyway moving on....
In my favorite class (2D design) I, along with my other classmates discovered that my art piece series was up on the wall in the hallway!!!!!!!! Like, mine was chosen out of 15 other kids in my class!!!
No english class tomorrow, on account of my teacher being in Amsterdam.
Drawing, and then OFFICE!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!
I'll miss the office night days..
Yesterday I had English (least favorite class), and we watched this movie Full Metal Jacket. Let me just say, it was a very good movie. I'd never seen it before, so with fresh eyes it was a good movie for talking about Vietnam and being in combat in general. There are some gory scenes, and it is not a happy story by any means. It is war afterall. So after that I went to get sushi with Geary. We then took a wittle hour long break and than went right on to our drawing class (2nd favorite). Nothing really good happened in that class. For me, taking that class is when I am again reminded how terrible I am at drawing.
TODAY- Today i had to wake up really early.... 7:30 because of our First Year Experience class. And may I talk about how great the weather is here? It is absolutely splendid! It reminds me of those fall days when Grace and I would be driving home from school with the windows down and it would be windy and crisp, sunny, and cool. But besides waking up early, it was a good day, i'll continue.. I then remembered I had some mail coming my way. So i walked down to the basement of my building and opened my mailbox and nothing was there. The mailguy was still processing mail and stuffing it in boxes so I thought I would wait around. Right as I was walking around Julie called me, and I was SO excited to hear from her. 5 minutes later, I checked my box and TWO pieces of mail had come. Complements of Angel and Jewbaby.
Anyway moving on....
In my favorite class (2D design) I, along with my other classmates discovered that my art piece series was up on the wall in the hallway!!!!!!!! Like, mine was chosen out of 15 other kids in my class!!!
No english class tomorrow, on account of my teacher being in Amsterdam.
Drawing, and then OFFICE!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!
I'll miss the office night days..
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Collegiate Life
I'm finally here at SCAD, and I'm so glad that I'm back at art school. I think everyone knew how ready I was to finally get back in the groove of school and being social again.
I just saw and ate with my friend from RISD. It was really great talking about old RISD people and how much we miss them and the RISD food. And PLEASE don't think that I'm picky about food, and judgmental, but the food here at SCAD is lacking compared to the food at RISD. And that makes me a tiny bit sad, but it's fine. I'll learn to live.
Today they had a poster sale and had ALL these posters of movies and art and just all this stuff. I came home with a poster of the office, and the movie Little Miss Sunshine. I wanted a scenic view of London, but all they had was Paris and New York. But there really isn't a scenic view of London. Unless it is the London Eye mixed with Big Ben and the Thames River and perhaps the Gherkin that is now a new skyscraper.
Oh another thing, my next door neighbors! They are terrible, they play their blaring bass fueled rap music from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. We've told them to turn it down a couple of times. One time my roommate caught one of them with their hands "tied". Yes, that room has a LOT of traffic from the females. They have a whiteboard and they have their nicknames written on it. Names as follows: Easy (white guy), Bam Bam (aka Long Island Ice tea- also Caucasian), and J-Bird (the black guy). Long Island and I have a drawing class together and he is SUCH an idiot. He is rude to the teacher and came in VERY late the first day. He was wearing some shorts and a black wifebeater that complements his Rest In Peace Tattoo... aka... HOT.
Update from the feather bed. I've slept really great while I've been here- thanks to the feather bed. Although it slips off because my bed is so high and I have to use a stepping stool to get on it. Therefore thanks to ductape, I taped the feather bed to my mattress so reduce the slipage.
For the tea drinkers, I've had tea almost everyday. I'm so glad I brought it! On the way up my mom and I stopped at an outlet mall and I bought a teapot and teabags. I reminds me of the old tea party days at Khaki's house.
Bye tiggs,
and so sorry I've been distant, college is hard to adjust to.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New iTunes
So i updated my itunes today, i knew they came out with all new iPods yesterday... kind of odd to come out with stuff on tuesday, but they have New Music Tuesday, so I guess it comes in correlation to that. Anyway, I love the new Genius Playlist thing. I know at the Apple store they have a genius bar, and I love going to the Apple store to get my iPod fixed. Although having a broken iPod is a grim occasion, I get to go to the Apple store and have it looked at by a REAL genius so that is a treat.
But you should really check out the Genius Sidebar. It is a really neat feature. The only draw back is that it took forever to load my music, but I guess that is partly my fault for having a lot of music?? I only have about 6 gbs, and I don't think that is a lot. I don't have 13 gigs like someone I know, but still it took a long time.
Bye players.
But you should really check out the Genius Sidebar. It is a really neat feature. The only draw back is that it took forever to load my music, but I guess that is partly my fault for having a lot of music?? I only have about 6 gbs, and I don't think that is a lot. I don't have 13 gigs like someone I know, but still it took a long time.
Bye players.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A purchase!

Well..... I went to go visit the old clan back at HAC and it was very refreshing.... Lolo greeted me with great delight (no surprise there), Bryce shook my hand, and I got to hear ALL about the love life of Matty O and his number one girl... although we all know he still likes Sabrina (boink).
So i've been a little reminiscent lately, thinking about the past 4 years. I remember in 9th grade I used to HATE highschool. Well not hate, but really didn't like it. It just took some years to get aquainted with the school and with the people and to find my niche. But thinking back, I had a really great time. This year by far will ALWAYS be my favorite. I finally was on top in piano (socially, not literally the best player- we all know that), I became better friends with the bots, Julie, lolo, grace, it was really great. And at the moment I feel like this will be the greatest thing that will happen to me... highschool will be the best... and then I got to thinking... no it won't, you'll be meeting new people (but will NOT forgot the old friends), and seeing new things. It just feels like SCAD will never come!!!!
I've been paitently waiting since MAY for my dream school to finally be in front of me. Officialy, I have 5 days till classes start and I can't wait. I can't wait to get back into routine, back with friends (RISD peeps), back to learning! I was talking about my AP psych class today, and sadly, that was the one thing that I miss. Not the class, and CLEARLY not the teacher. It was the daily routine of what was expected, and I loved that. I don't know what I just talked about that, but whatever.
Ok! I bought a little something for my dorm room bed. When I went to orientation over the summer I noticed that the beds were a bit on the thin side (Please don't think I'm princess and the pea OR high maintence) So I got to thinking... FEATHER BED! I've always wanted one, and now is an opportunity to get one. So I got on Amazon (loves it) and I found one for a steal of a deal. And no, the little boy does not come with it!
I sent Angel her last letter from FL today, and I PROMISE I will get my address and I would LOVE all letters that I recieve.. although no hate mail, my name isn't Hillary Rodem Clinton....
But I'll get you my address asap
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thursday August 28
Hey, first let me say "my dearest apology" to ALL my readers.. i know it's been a while since I've blogged.
Well college will be starting soon, in about two weeks (September 15- classes start, September 12- i leave Lakeland). It isn't "bittersweet" as some might say. I'm excited to go, I am worried however on the social aspect of it. I just had such a great time at RISD and found people that i clicked with immediately, i'm worried it won't be like that at SCAD. I know i'll ace the school part, i mean.. it's art school, where do they really draw the line (no pun intended) on what is art and what is not art. I am bad a drawing, so that is numbero uno on things i'll be working on. Let me tell you my class schedule
Monday/ Wednesday - Design I 5 P.m.
Tuesday/ Thursday - Drawing I 5 P.m.
yes, 5 o'clock at NIGHT! that will be so weird. But i think i'll like it because I can do my hw and stuff way before class starts, because....yes, sometimes procrastinate..
Tuesday/ Thursday 11 a.m.- english composition- writing and junk, which i'm terrible at!
Wednesday - 9 a.m. - First Year seminar - i'll have that with "Gary" and my other 3rd. Uh, but i don't know what i'll be like. I think it is just a "get to know scad, how to be a good college student"
I know i did that sort of backwards, but I wanted to stress my 5 o'clock class. It will just be so weird. Oh, and no classes on fridays!
Ok, so I'm hypoglycemic - it just means I have really low blood sugar and I get bi-atchy when I'm hungry. I'm really sorry If I was rude to you when I was hungry.. But my mom was like.. Annie, you might have diabetes (it's like the same thing as hypo, but a little different, i just have to stay away from sugar and that sucks), so we need to take you to the doctor. Ok so I have to get blood drawn. First time! and it was not as bad as I thought. One day while we were still in Boze's Julie wanted me to give blood with her, and I was scared so I said "no". Now i regret that, we could have gotten punctured together.. but my fears held me back.. oh and I could've saved a life.
Well Pooky is gone, she left the worl.... country and continent. She'll succeed though for sure. It was a really smooth transition for me letting her go. I thought I would cry really bad, but I only shed a few tears.
Well I think i'll write on here some more. Bye chiggs
Well college will be starting soon, in about two weeks (September 15- classes start, September 12- i leave Lakeland). It isn't "bittersweet" as some might say. I'm excited to go, I am worried however on the social aspect of it. I just had such a great time at RISD and found people that i clicked with immediately, i'm worried it won't be like that at SCAD. I know i'll ace the school part, i mean.. it's art school, where do they really draw the line (no pun intended) on what is art and what is not art. I am bad a drawing, so that is numbero uno on things i'll be working on. Let me tell you my class schedule
Monday/ Wednesday - Design I 5 P.m.
Tuesday/ Thursday - Drawing I 5 P.m.
yes, 5 o'clock at NIGHT! that will be so weird. But i think i'll like it because I can do my hw and stuff way before class starts, because....yes, sometimes procrastinate..
Tuesday/ Thursday 11 a.m.- english composition- writing and junk, which i'm terrible at!
Wednesday - 9 a.m. - First Year seminar - i'll have that with "Gary" and my other 3rd. Uh, but i don't know what i'll be like. I think it is just a "get to know scad, how to be a good college student"
I know i did that sort of backwards, but I wanted to stress my 5 o'clock class. It will just be so weird. Oh, and no classes on fridays!
Ok, so I'm hypoglycemic - it just means I have really low blood sugar and I get bi-atchy when I'm hungry. I'm really sorry If I was rude to you when I was hungry.. But my mom was like.. Annie, you might have diabetes (it's like the same thing as hypo, but a little different, i just have to stay away from sugar and that sucks), so we need to take you to the doctor. Ok so I have to get blood drawn. First time! and it was not as bad as I thought. One day while we were still in Boze's Julie wanted me to give blood with her, and I was scared so I said "no". Now i regret that, we could have gotten punctured together.. but my fears held me back.. oh and I could've saved a life.
Well Pooky is gone, she left the worl.... country and continent. She'll succeed though for sure. It was a really smooth transition for me letting her go. I thought I would cry really bad, but I only shed a few tears.
Well I think i'll write on here some more. Bye chiggs
Friday, July 25, 2008
July 25th
I just realized I had a post in the drafts folder. I guess I never fully posted it. Well here is an update.
I went to the Post Secret Museum with Kathryn, Grace, and my mom. It was a lot of fun, seeing everybody's secrets. We were going to write fake ones, but decided not to because the people who had their postcards displayed were serious.
Went to the Beach house for 2.5 days. Not a lot going on there.
Went to UF to see Jbaby........and will see her again at UF soon.
Went to my college orientation. I'm glad I'm going there.... to SCAD-which isn't a disease.
Pranking people----
I love pulling pranks... enough said.
I went to the Post Secret Museum with Kathryn, Grace, and my mom. It was a lot of fun, seeing everybody's secrets. We were going to write fake ones, but decided not to because the people who had their postcards displayed were serious.
Went to the Beach house for 2.5 days. Not a lot going on there.
Went to UF to see Jbaby........and will see her again at UF soon.
Went to my college orientation. I'm glad I'm going there.... to SCAD-which isn't a disease.
Pranking people----
I love pulling pranks... enough said.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
July 10th
Today is July 10th.
I haven't written in awhile, so I felt like I needed to. You may notice I took the video blog down. First, there were some problems with it. I guess it cut off or something. And Second, during these summer months I've seen some of my fellow classmates "v-logs". The videos were a bit disturbing and yes, I laughed a lot but they were really just too much. So therefore, took my video down and no more v-blogs.
A lot of my friends left for other continents/ countries this summer, and I've missed them. Khaki left for France and is now back, but then will leave soon. J-baby came back from Russia and is now at UF. Bot #3 is still is Mexico and Lolo just left for Austria for a month. And then the BEST friend of all will leave. Pooky, Gwace, or Grack is leaving for Japan for 9 months to study aboard. I'll miss her so much.
P.S. I think Bobby is coming home soon, you have been gone so long Bobs!
I haven't written in awhile, so I felt like I needed to. You may notice I took the video blog down. First, there were some problems with it. I guess it cut off or something. And Second, during these summer months I've seen some of my fellow classmates "v-logs". The videos were a bit disturbing and yes, I laughed a lot but they were really just too much. So therefore, took my video down and no more v-blogs.
A lot of my friends left for other continents/ countries this summer, and I've missed them. Khaki left for France and is now back, but then will leave soon. J-baby came back from Russia and is now at UF. Bot #3 is still is Mexico and Lolo just left for Austria for a month. And then the BEST friend of all will leave. Pooky, Gwace, or Grack is leaving for Japan for 9 months to study aboard. I'll miss her so much.
P.S. I think Bobby is coming home soon, you have been gone so long Bobs!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Today is Graduation, I won't be sad.. or at least I won't cry. I'm excited for the challenges and beginnings that SCAD will bring to the table. This has been my favorite year by far, and without the friends- this year would have sucked. [To put that eloquently] I've loved the Office parities, tennis games/ hangouts, and the piano parties that have happened this year. They've all made me smile.
I haven't blogged in a couple of days, but mostly my days have consisted of grad parties and hanging out with the Bots and Julie- some of my favorite people by the way. Oh, and I think- I have definitely improved my Ping-Pong game-- complements of Alex and our Art History Study sessions.
OK, but the best part of graduating..... the gifts are AWESOME. I've never felt so grateful for all the gifts that I've gotten. It was sad because in school I always had my birthday over Thanksgiving break, and no one would remember.... so I think this whole graduation thing has made up for my lost birthdays.
Well.... about 30 more mins till I got to go line up for Graduation. See Ya
I haven't blogged in a couple of days, but mostly my days have consisted of grad parties and hanging out with the Bots and Julie- some of my favorite people by the way. Oh, and I think- I have definitely improved my Ping-Pong game-- complements of Alex and our Art History Study sessions.
OK, but the best part of graduating..... the gifts are AWESOME. I've never felt so grateful for all the gifts that I've gotten. It was sad because in school I always had my birthday over Thanksgiving break, and no one would remember.... so I think this whole graduation thing has made up for my lost birthdays.
Well.... about 30 more mins till I got to go line up for Graduation. See Ya
Friday, May 23, 2008
"Bittersweet"--- Thanks Lorel for the word

Today was the last day of high school. Lorel was right, it was bittersweet. I'm really excited to start my new life at SCAD, but I'm going to miss school a lot too. I cried today, along with a bunch of other people. I NEVER cry at school, but today was so different. My day started with a final in Contemporary Literature- I think I passed. Anyway, the real part of my day started when I went to 2nd. I got to show the kids how efficient and demanding I am at office jobs. Angel, Sabrina, Tyler-Fan, Kiki, Raymond, and John (aka Dr. Pepper) - oh and me went to fold the Harrison Herald newspaper. So if it looks bad blame it on Kiki- she was slacking cause she was gassing (aka talking about Gabe, or weird stuff). So after being with the kids and getting yelled at for being too loud and stuff 3rd period came about. We had a master class with Jaret Williams, who was charming and extremely nice. Anyway, he played this really heart-wrenching song that was for his Harrison Graduation and it was downhill from there. The song out everyone in a mood that left a teary effect. Today was the last day, it was so sad. I'm going to miss them all the most. They are my piano class. They are all my friends. We are a family, we have opinions of each other, and nag each other and blame each other. But at the end of the day, we all love each other. So as a last hooray, I'll write a little something about everyone. (In alphabetical order, not by favoritism)
Amanda - Sweet, funny, smart. You're an all around great girl. And you play my Dad really well too.
Ana - Oh Ana, I loved to immiate you. You have such personable qualities, and you'll go places as far as Asian studies.
Angel - Ha, remember when we played tennis and you rode in my car. It was your first time in a non-adult car ride. You'll prob always remember that, I still remember mine. We had fun that day. We had fun a lot of the days, I'll miss you An-gle.
Ben - Ben, we played tennis so much this year. It was fun tho, meeting Grendel and such, then we wanted Grendel back. Oh Grendel.
Bryce - From the bus to the keys, we've seen it all.
Garrett - "Hold on, someone left a book over Xmas break" "Oh yeah, it was probably Garrett." You were the kid who would steal food, and leave stuff. You were the scapegoat, it was funny.
James - Magic Kid! Ha, you're funny James. Hope Magic brings you next to Merlin.
Kassandra -It was always close to the end of the year, and we had to all come together for the final project. They were tough, but fun in the end.. I Guess?
Laura - Oh my little daughter. You will achieve great things with your music, talent, charm, and smarts. I love you little dear.
Lorel - We became friends this year. It was fun with all the jokes and stuff, sometimes played on me... We had bundles of fun. I know you thought I was mean, but I was just adding to the Micheal/ Dwight thing. Of course I'm the Micheal, you're the Dwight. We're a comedy duo.
Mary Catherine - Yeah, we had some good times.
Matthew - Matty O, you inspired me on my comedy tour this year. Hopefully we'll share a one night stand. But no Matthew, you helped me understand what it is like to be around a person with a Handicap. Thanks for the times.
Miranda -Oh Miranda, you were always gone. On a cruise or at Disney. I saw you grow up I think, and you're cool.
Robert - My little Bobby, oh how I will miss you. We really understood each other. You read my stupid books, and listened to my stories. I really hope you go to Julliard - you deserve it Bobs.
Sabrina - Ha. Oh Sabs. We've laughed together and had good times, especially anything having to do with Kiki.
Sam - Piano Thursday, just so you know. And.. it is almost 11:25 - aka my birthday, and in 1 minute (11:26) it is yours. Happy Birthday Sam
Shelli - Shelli, you are the little sister of Sam. You also are nice.
Tyler - Oh Daddy, I'm going to miss you. We shared lunch together in the Ghost Town of C lunch, and we just had a lot of laughs.
Lastly, the goodbyes were so hard today. I left practically right after I cried. I found out Bobby teared up, Angel, Sam, and Kassandra really let the tears flow. I really appreciated the tears. Thanks.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Last Week
So this is my LAST week of high school, never thought it would happen so fast. I'm going to miss the friends I made, that is probably the only thing I will miss. I think I've talked about this before.
Anyway, I'm watching the Office on my Graduation Gift iPod. Michael is singing James Blunt -I love that part.
Well, the APs went fine. The first one was Psych, and it went Ok. The environment was not so great. Morticia;/ Cher was being pretty psycho. But the second go around was better. I took Art History
in Mulberry with about 10 other people. It was really pleasant, and laid back.
Tonight is my first and last Chorus concert and my last Orchestra concert... Bobby is playing tonight... he is going to Grieg it.
Anyway, I'm watching the Office on my Graduation Gift iPod. Michael is singing James Blunt -I love that part.
Well, the APs went fine. The first one was Psych, and it went Ok. The environment was not so great. Morticia;/ Cher was being pretty psycho. But the second go around was better. I took Art History
in Mulberry with about 10 other people. It was really pleasant, and laid back.
Tonight is my first and last Chorus concert and my last Orchestra concert... Bobby is playing tonight... he is going to Grieg it.
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Piano Class... kind of

So today was "documentary day." I thought it was going to be so much better, but it turned out to be just any other day -except for the fluffy mic that was put in his face the whole time. Gosh, I thought the movie was going to be about our opinions of him.. obviously not. They just filmed our class doing a reading assignment (my favorite because we don't have to play, but we ended up playing anyway), and him being pompous and telling what an interval is. Hello, we all know what an interval is.
But anyway, my first AP ever is tomorrow! I haven't really studied.. no need, I know i'll pass...Just kidding. I'm really concerned about my Art History test, and I can actually use that credit (hopefully).
The good thing about the whole AP thing is that I don't have to go to third period on either of those days!
Lastly, that little pic documented a really fun night at Sarah's we got really crazy with the 9th graders...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
New Exciting Things....

Well... I haven't been blogging in awhile.. it is almost like a sport.. Bloggin.. Maybe I'm just thinking of toboggan. Anyway, easy solution to an tough problem. I will be getting a new iPod Classic.. in black (once you go black.. you never go..... run track ?!?! huh?) for a graduation gift. I really do need it. I'll use in jewelry ALL the time when I'm working on stuff.
Over the last week I've been doing some script writing. I've been writing a script on my class, and it is basically the Office because my class is about 20 people in a very cramped place with lots of big personalities like Phyllis. The script is cool. Hopefully it rings true and isn't phony.
Another exciting thing is I'll be getting some original Ray Bans-- the coolest sunglasses around, and I won't look like an Alien wearing them. I have glasses and I have some Ban-esqe type of sunglasses, but they aren't prescription. So I need something for full on wear ( i put my sunglasses over my regular glasses, resulting in my regular glasses to get out of whack (they are tilting and getting crooked)
Monday, April 7, 2008
I want a new iPOD!!!


So today... April 7....I was using my iPod in class (I know, NO iPods during school hours. And! i think that is the worst rule ever! -I'd tuck my shirt in, before I give up my legal iPod privileges), and the iPod blanked out on me. It said "Sorry, you don't have any battery left.. so there" I was like..UGH! it does this all the time!! But this is my iPod saga... I bought one of the first iPods when I was like 14 and there is the pic! (white) and it broke before I went to RISD. Ok, i was fine by that. So i used my sister's old one (the pink one with the CRACKED screen!), and went along fine. Now it is skipping songs, and I'm tired of it!! Like I wake up and I really want to hear a song, and then it just skips over it, and that really ticks me off! Therefore... I really want a new. I haven't had one in a 4 years! I know that sounds really lame, but I really really want one! So, possibly... I want to have a long awaited 18 birthday party, and instead of physical gifts. I just want like 10 bucks from every person. I know that sounds really crass! But my sister's friend had one, cause his was stolen in a hotel or something..But this would be the easiest way to do it. I know I could just ask for it for a holiday or something, but..I really just want to do this on my own.
Ok... my reasons for allowing iPods in schools.
1). They don't hurt ANYONE!
2). They actually help me study. Not in the cheating way (people record answers on the iPod, and then listen to it during class- neat trick, never tried it, but still cool), but they help me concentrate. I've read music is a good stimulant for the work environment. Why do all those radio stations promote "more music while you work, soft and contemporary, 90 minuite no commercial segments" it is all for the busy worker who just wants to get their work done.
and 3). The classrooms will be quieter, if everyone brings their music or movies or whatever and plugs it into their headphones, all the classroom chatter will lessen. Ok, most likely it will lessen.
I really just don't understand the reasoning behind it.
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Well, this was my last Spring Break of high school and it was fun. It was really low key. I hung out at home (trying to do some hw & watching the Real Housewives of NYC) for 1/4 of the break, and then I went to my beach house for the other 3/4.
That <<<<------ is a pretty crappy photo i took of the Beach from the deck.... just screw camera phones. There isn't too much to say. Pooky (Grace pooky, not the other Pookies claiming to be the Pooky I'm talking about) and I got gift cards to Blockbuster from Ben's B-day party uh... I think that was in November... and we hadn't spent them. So.. they had a 2 for $20 deal, and we took it. I got The Darjeeling Limited by Wes Anderson, and Grace got Little Miss Sunshine- I remembered how much I loved that movie. It is so good and has a good message.
WELL... that is about it...SCHOOL is only a fortnight minus 13 days away, and I still have HW.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Beginning of Spring Break

----- Monday ----
Monday was my last day of P.E. Thinking back on it now, I kinda miss it. I miss the stupidity, and the laziness in the class--Not everyone is stupid. Let me just say, life moves a little slower in J39. There is always that group of girls who you have to wait for because they walk soo slow-- I don't miss them. Anyway, I took the final and I had the second highest grade in all of the classes who took the final. So I felt really good about that.
Day of the Concert!!!
To start the day off, I had a new class to replace my Personal Fitness class. I'm in contemporary literature now. People actually can formulate correct sentences..instead of "Ay girl, Ay girl wit the blue jacket you wanna gimme the ball?" But I really like my new class. Although, I feel so stupid in it. Everyone knows all these dates, and events!! So it was the night of the concert, and I started to get nervous as I was waiting to play. It has never really happened to that extent. I was scared that I would forget the beginning, but I didn't. So we ended the night at Chilli's --that was fun. I got to sit with the Bobby, Mandy and their friend. I somehow got kicked out of my other table because the sophomores couldn't handle being with other people, and had to be at the table with a special person.
It was moving day in piano! We had to move all the books, keyboards, and desks to the white box. So.... the next day was...
We had pizza in 3rd and that was fun. After.. which kinda killed the day, my third period teacher kinda dropped a bomb on us. She said we didn't do that great of a job. I thought I did a fine job. She specified the problem as saying that we didn't get our stuff together fast enough. But.... that was my last concert.. so I don't care, but I didn't like that there are still people that have concerts and have that weighing on their shoulders. I also had a Psych test that day.
NO one was at school today, and that kinda sucked. BUT!! we found out some really juicy stuff about Piano romances. Friday night was really fun tho. Sassy, J-baby, Kathryn, and I went to Lakeside... Macaroni Grill to be specific, and we just hung out later.
And today is Saturday!
I played tennis with "Angle" and it was fun. We got smoothies after.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday !*!*!*!
Well, today was pretty uneventful, but it was VERY fulfilling.
In first period,
I was freaking OUT about my 1 mile run today.. we have to cut our times down every time.. 1st time I had 17 something.. next time I had 16 something.. this time I had 13 something.. I was SO proud of myself a whole 3 Mins!! It was cool, but after my ankles really hurt. I think I probably run/ walk funny now, because my ankles never hurt before this year.
Next 2nd P. Well I wanted to get ahead in Psyc, so I started outlining chapter 9. Come to found out, we are skipping chapter 9, and moving onto 10..but we will still read 9 (so all that work wasn't for nothing)
3rd P!! Ok, Piano!! I have a lot of good friends in here.. mostly freshies, but they are nice, and clever.. not like those idiot sophomores.. So anyway, Bobby and I made the best character quiz for Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies. It is totally clever and unique, but still faithful to the characters. Oh and BTW, if you are one of my good friends you have heard me mention one of my all time favorite movies/ book...Bright Young Things or Vile Bodies.. it is SO good.
But the most important part today.. I got two gold stars.. roughly converting them into "a job well down" on my piano playing today for the upcoming concert.. It is true.. slacking till the last minute does pay off..Jk.
4th was kinda lame.. took a test, it was easy.
Then onto after school. After school was fun. I got to do the Indian dance.. it gets major laughs, and puts smiles on faces.
There is always something in the air on a Friday towards the end of the year. Pure nostalgia. I keep having all these feelings on leaving and how I it will never be the same.
This is a list of things I will miss when I leave highschool:
1). Wake up at 6:00 a.m. for school - I won't miss this, but it is a good starting point.
2). Inside jokes, these are the best.
3). Those days in class when there is a substitute and you know it is gonna be a goof off day. - I love those days
4). Wishing I had tried harder, but I live my life for fun. Not for work- that sounded so red cup party-ish
5). Lastly, the friends I made.
In first period,
I was freaking OUT about my 1 mile run today.. we have to cut our times down every time.. 1st time I had 17 something.. next time I had 16 something.. this time I had 13 something.. I was SO proud of myself a whole 3 Mins!! It was cool, but after my ankles really hurt. I think I probably run/ walk funny now, because my ankles never hurt before this year.
Next 2nd P. Well I wanted to get ahead in Psyc, so I started outlining chapter 9. Come to found out, we are skipping chapter 9, and moving onto 10..but we will still read 9 (so all that work wasn't for nothing)
3rd P!! Ok, Piano!! I have a lot of good friends in here.. mostly freshies, but they are nice, and clever.. not like those idiot sophomores.. So anyway, Bobby and I made the best character quiz for Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies. It is totally clever and unique, but still faithful to the characters. Oh and BTW, if you are one of my good friends you have heard me mention one of my all time favorite movies/ book...Bright Young Things or Vile Bodies.. it is SO good.
But the most important part today.. I got two gold stars.. roughly converting them into "a job well down" on my piano playing today for the upcoming concert.. It is true.. slacking till the last minute does pay off..Jk.
4th was kinda lame.. took a test, it was easy.
Then onto after school. After school was fun. I got to do the Indian dance.. it gets major laughs, and puts smiles on faces.
There is always something in the air on a Friday towards the end of the year. Pure nostalgia. I keep having all these feelings on leaving and how I it will never be the same.
This is a list of things I will miss when I leave highschool:
1). Wake up at 6:00 a.m. for school - I won't miss this, but it is a good starting point.
2). Inside jokes, these are the best.
3). Those days in class when there is a substitute and you know it is gonna be a goof off day. - I love those days
4). Wishing I had tried harder, but I live my life for fun. Not for work- that sounded so red cup party-ish
5). Lastly, the friends I made.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thursday the 20th of March
Today is Thursday! I love Thursdays...they are those days where you know its Friday, and you know Friday will be fun. Well.. today I had a match, I lost - but don't care-- its was tough. Anywho,... just workin on AP shiz.. Art History and Psyc.. Oh yeah, and I guess I've missed a lot of days in 1st Period... so the "Pam" character at my school was like " you've missed a lot of days" and i was like...well, i never said anything, but I thought it. "Are you serious?? What do you expect.. A senior, ... last semester.. who's first period is P.E. ... I damn well know I have the highest --GIPA aka G.P.A. --shout out to Hastings.. and I practically am the only one who doesn't need the book to pass the quizzes. Sorry, but "Nah" isn't an answer to "List 3 things that you can do to improve your fitness level" these rookies in my class... guh, well next 9 weeks I'll be in a class where people can read.. Contemporary Literature. That will be fun.. I hope it isn't just American Literature though, I like British Lit. more, and was displeased by my English IV Hon. curriculum this year.
Another good thing that happened today- I aced my Oral Quiz for AP Art History- it was on Non European Art. Not a fan, but its 2-5 % of the Test (that was one of the answers)
I just want to say.. THANKS Sabby for the Candy today, and yesterday. They make me so happy. Although I feel a bit like Kiki, when I accept it - but I guess I don't ask for it.. so that is different.
AND!! Lil Angel or Tinkerbell, thanks for the print out on Jason Schwartzman, even though he looks "ugly" in Sabby's eyes. I still like him.. for his talent, and humor, sans the mustache.
Ohhhh!! and, just a plug... Piano Concert!! March 25, 2008 @ 7:30!!! yeah, I'll be playing a Mendy piece. Hope to see you there!
Another good thing that happened today- I aced my Oral Quiz for AP Art History- it was on Non European Art. Not a fan, but its 2-5 % of the Test (that was one of the answers)
I just want to say.. THANKS Sabby for the Candy today, and yesterday. They make me so happy. Although I feel a bit like Kiki, when I accept it - but I guess I don't ask for it.. so that is different.
AND!! Lil Angel or Tinkerbell, thanks for the print out on Jason Schwartzman, even though he looks "ugly" in Sabby's eyes. I still like him.. for his talent, and humor, sans the mustache.
Ohhhh!! and, just a plug... Piano Concert!! March 25, 2008 @ 7:30!!! yeah, I'll be playing a Mendy piece. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Decent Days and Nights
Well... I haven't blogged since day 1 of FCAT, and I must tell about day 2.
On day 2-----
I had a LOVELY breakfast w/ the bots @ Panera, caught up, and I had a really great time. I love spending time with them. They really make my days turn out better than expected. Ok, onward. I was told by my piano/school teacher to come to school after 10:30. I, like a good little student showed up at around 11. I didn't know if they would still be testing and all that. So i was there, and then I ran into Paris and Tinkerbell. They told me the teacher wasn't there, and then i went to the jazz room. I brought 2 sleeves of oreo cookies for the piano class, and since practically 7/8 of them were not there I gave them to some very hungry orch kids. After lunch, everybody ditched me (piano people) except Vanessa Carlton aka James... he then started playing popular music, and then other kids started to join in, Billy Joel's Piano Man was even hummed. We played Guitar Hero too, and of course I rocked the Strokes' Reptillia - which was on easy, I should def. change it up and play it on medium next time.
So after that kinda mild crappy day, I went to school kinda late..whoops, but I don't care. Uh nothing interesting. I lost my doubles match cause I played w/ someone who REALLY pisses me off.. she is just really immature, and I'd rather play w/ some who is in my league. But I really dont want to sound cocky, but there are some younger people who are very mature, others are just not.
ok Performance class... drag, i kinda screwed the pooch on that, but I'll get it together.. hopefully.
Later on, I got my senior portraits done.. uh unfortunately I will not be in the year book, but its ok...
After that, I caught up with the tennis crowd, and we had dinner at Black and Brew. After that we walked around, jumped on the rubber squishy mulch, hung out with the gold people..from behind...eesh, and then ended the night watching Devil Wears Prada at Nikki's. BTW, the Christian character...totally U-G-L-Y, and everyone thought the same thing that night.
So Saturday... Prob the BEST day this weekend..
First I had to stay up late on Sat. to make a cake for a party, and I was REALLY stupid, I bought the writer's icing but not the frosting...Guh, I get so caught up in the moment, and forget things all the time. Anyway, I had to set up for HAC Prom, and that was semi fun- actually it wasn't, but it was for community service.
After that!!! Was the best part.... OFFICE PARTY!! I heart the show the Office, and we dressed up as characters, ate food that was mentioned on the office, mainly celebrated Michael GARY Scott's B-day and Eva Longria, and finally played the Diversity Day Game. I was Jan, Grace was Kelly, Julie was Angela, Geary was Karen, Kathryn was a very believable Pam, Dwight was Alex, and Paige was Stanley- that was funny. Sadly no Michael, I couldn't love or abuse anyone like Jan..just kidding. Thereafter, we played a game with index cards with people's names or races, and asked questions about them.
So after that it was Prom. Prom was ok, I heard some rumors where people thought I was having a little bit more fun than everyone else... but I was straight, and just acting crazy. That was fun. Oh, and someone most likely got toed that night.. that was the highlight. It was this red haired kid..i felt bad, he looked like he would have a really bright future... this might spoil him.
There was an after Prom party that I went to, but I was really tired, and can't remember much.
And on Sunday, I played tennis with my sister, it was hot, and I won our game.
On day 2-----
I had a LOVELY breakfast w/ the bots @ Panera, caught up, and I had a really great time. I love spending time with them. They really make my days turn out better than expected. Ok, onward. I was told by my piano/school teacher to come to school after 10:30. I, like a good little student showed up at around 11. I didn't know if they would still be testing and all that. So i was there, and then I ran into Paris and Tinkerbell. They told me the teacher wasn't there, and then i went to the jazz room. I brought 2 sleeves of oreo cookies for the piano class, and since practically 7/8 of them were not there I gave them to some very hungry orch kids. After lunch, everybody ditched me (piano people) except Vanessa Carlton aka James... he then started playing popular music, and then other kids started to join in, Billy Joel's Piano Man was even hummed. We played Guitar Hero too, and of course I rocked the Strokes' Reptillia - which was on easy, I should def. change it up and play it on medium next time.
So after that kinda mild crappy day, I went to school kinda late..whoops, but I don't care. Uh nothing interesting. I lost my doubles match cause I played w/ someone who REALLY pisses me off.. she is just really immature, and I'd rather play w/ some who is in my league. But I really dont want to sound cocky, but there are some younger people who are very mature, others are just not.
ok Performance class... drag, i kinda screwed the pooch on that, but I'll get it together.. hopefully.
Later on, I got my senior portraits done.. uh unfortunately I will not be in the year book, but its ok...
After that, I caught up with the tennis crowd, and we had dinner at Black and Brew. After that we walked around, jumped on the rubber squishy mulch, hung out with the gold people..from behind...eesh, and then ended the night watching Devil Wears Prada at Nikki's. BTW, the Christian character...totally U-G-L-Y, and everyone thought the same thing that night.
So Saturday... Prob the BEST day this weekend..
First I had to stay up late on Sat. to make a cake for a party, and I was REALLY stupid, I bought the writer's icing but not the frosting...Guh, I get so caught up in the moment, and forget things all the time. Anyway, I had to set up for HAC Prom, and that was semi fun- actually it wasn't, but it was for community service.
After that!!! Was the best part.... OFFICE PARTY!! I heart the show the Office, and we dressed up as characters, ate food that was mentioned on the office, mainly celebrated Michael GARY Scott's B-day and Eva Longria, and finally played the Diversity Day Game. I was Jan, Grace was Kelly, Julie was Angela, Geary was Karen, Kathryn was a very believable Pam, Dwight was Alex, and Paige was Stanley- that was funny. Sadly no Michael, I couldn't love or abuse anyone like Jan..just kidding. Thereafter, we played a game with index cards with people's names or races, and asked questions about them.
So after that it was Prom. Prom was ok, I heard some rumors where people thought I was having a little bit more fun than everyone else... but I was straight, and just acting crazy. That was fun. Oh, and someone most likely got toed that night.. that was the highlight. It was this red haired kid..i felt bad, he looked like he would have a really bright future... this might spoil him.
There was an after Prom party that I went to, but I was really tired, and can't remember much.
And on Sunday, I played tennis with my sister, it was hot, and I won our game.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So today was an ok/ fun/ stressful day. But only because someone made it that way...
Alright, so no FCAT-- for me!!! That made today really great. I love driving around when other people are at school. I'm always so surprised that there are people not at work or school or how many people are on the road.. And i always like it that I'm at neither of those places, but I don't work, but I sadly go to school. Well, I went to breakfast with a few friends at Lakeside today. And another thing... they play the best 80s music during the day!! i heard like two great songs that i downloaded asap when I came home.
Next, I went to get a book. I remembered this one book I read when I was little (9 or 10), and I forgot how it ended. The book was the Westing Game - i like group murder mysteries.. the kind where its a big group, and someone dies, and NO one seems sad about it.. well, I guess it's a light hearted mystery...
Anyway, the fun part was when I picked my sister up (and friends) and went to tennis practice. We had a game today, and we W-O-N!! And the stressful part was when my coach was like "Annie, do you want to play a (fun) match?" Inside thoughts (OH YEAH). BUT!!! my sister wanted to go home....what a tease (as Michael G. Scott would say) and I couldn't. I was SO perturbed. GUH, just thinking about it...
After that.. I had to do an Oral Quiz for FLVS (my online school, its where you have to call the teacher and take a test over the phone) my class is AP Art History, and I really enjoy it.
So thats it.. and again an FCAT free day... BUT i have to go to school to play piano, but I DO really want to see all my friends in piano.
... guh oh those concerts.. you baffle me..
Alright, so no FCAT-- for me!!! That made today really great. I love driving around when other people are at school. I'm always so surprised that there are people not at work or school or how many people are on the road.. And i always like it that I'm at neither of those places, but I don't work, but I sadly go to school. Well, I went to breakfast with a few friends at Lakeside today. And another thing... they play the best 80s music during the day!! i heard like two great songs that i downloaded asap when I came home.
Next, I went to get a book. I remembered this one book I read when I was little (9 or 10), and I forgot how it ended. The book was the Westing Game - i like group murder mysteries.. the kind where its a big group, and someone dies, and NO one seems sad about it.. well, I guess it's a light hearted mystery...
Anyway, the fun part was when I picked my sister up (and friends) and went to tennis practice. We had a game today, and we W-O-N!! And the stressful part was when my coach was like "Annie, do you want to play a (fun) match?" Inside thoughts (OH YEAH). BUT!!! my sister wanted to go home....what a tease (as Michael G. Scott would say) and I couldn't. I was SO perturbed. GUH, just thinking about it...
After that.. I had to do an Oral Quiz for FLVS (my online school, its where you have to call the teacher and take a test over the phone) my class is AP Art History, and I really enjoy it.
So thats it.. and again an FCAT free day... BUT i have to go to school to play piano, but I DO really want to see all my friends in piano.
... guh oh those concerts.. you baffle me..
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Hello!!! My name is Annie and this is my first blog. First and foremost, this is a blog describing the meanderings of my life, and certain conversations that strike my fancy throughout the day that I think I should share with my fellow friends. So Anyway, let me explain day one of my blog day.
Well a wonderful start of the day, I woke up slightly, and surprisingly early -- at around 7:45..eesh. I was kind of excited, today was my tennis game in Sarasota and I was excited about being with my friends for a complete day of tennis and Saturday fun. But!! first I went to the Beacon Starbucks and had coffee with my meem (Mom). I've never really liked the starbucks on Beacon, the parking SUCKS and so does the service. So i'm trying to enter the lane into Starbucks, and this STUPID SUV is in the way, and there is a whole line of cars in the drive-through, and I was COMPLETELY baffled and worried about the Bucks police that was going to cite me for my horrible driving, but don't worry. I shimmied my self into a safe parking place....
OK, for the real stuff!!! So found out after 6 missed calls, and 4 voicemails.... the game was canceled, and there was an impromptu tennis practice at the courts. Anyway, after the wind got to our heads... we decided a picnic was in order. We picnicked at Barnett Park, and brought blankets, and our sandwiches for the matches. And of course we took pictures with the "gold people"... probably inappropriate pictures that will be used against us when we become notable. After that, we probably knocked about 10 years off of our ages and played on the playground with the other children. After that, we went to my friend's house and watched the office. Some wonder episodes....the last snippet of Gay Witch Hunt -301, Grief Counseling , and the ever wonderful Product Recall with an extra special watermark.
My day fully ended with drinkin the night away.. literally, but we left early so... the night ended at about 8:30. Anyway, I really want to better myself and introduce myself into new things, mainly I just want to possess knowledge in a cornucopia of topics... Wine was tonight's learning experience. Now, typically I NEVER drink, but as I said before... aficionado... so I'd let my hair down (not literally, my hair is only pretty down) and taste the wine. So, i found not only do i loathe alcoholic beverages, they mainly taste like cough syrup, but i like the more mild to dry white wines. My mom kept thinking i was "buzzed" but I didnt know what that felt like.. so w/e if i was. i wasnt driving. Alls I know.. my skin was HOT, like burning.. but that probably had to so with the main afternoon fun outside.
So there you go, my first of (maybe) many more blogs.
Goodbye my fair-weathered friend.
Well a wonderful start of the day, I woke up slightly, and surprisingly early -- at around 7:45..eesh. I was kind of excited, today was my tennis game in Sarasota and I was excited about being with my friends for a complete day of tennis and Saturday fun. But!! first I went to the Beacon Starbucks and had coffee with my meem (Mom). I've never really liked the starbucks on Beacon, the parking SUCKS and so does the service. So i'm trying to enter the lane into Starbucks, and this STUPID SUV is in the way, and there is a whole line of cars in the drive-through, and I was COMPLETELY baffled and worried about the Bucks police that was going to cite me for my horrible driving, but don't worry. I shimmied my self into a safe parking place....
OK, for the real stuff!!! So found out after 6 missed calls, and 4 voicemails.... the game was canceled, and there was an impromptu tennis practice at the courts. Anyway, after the wind got to our heads... we decided a picnic was in order. We picnicked at Barnett Park, and brought blankets, and our sandwiches for the matches. And of course we took pictures with the "gold people"... probably inappropriate pictures that will be used against us when we become notable. After that, we probably knocked about 10 years off of our ages and played on the playground with the other children. After that, we went to my friend's house and watched the office. Some wonder episodes....the last snippet of Gay Witch Hunt -301, Grief Counseling , and the ever wonderful Product Recall with an extra special watermark.
My day fully ended with drinkin the night away.. literally, but we left early so... the night ended at about 8:30. Anyway, I really want to better myself and introduce myself into new things, mainly I just want to possess knowledge in a cornucopia of topics... Wine was tonight's learning experience. Now, typically I NEVER drink, but as I said before... aficionado... so I'd let my hair down (not literally, my hair is only pretty down) and taste the wine. So, i found not only do i loathe alcoholic beverages, they mainly taste like cough syrup, but i like the more mild to dry white wines. My mom kept thinking i was "buzzed" but I didnt know what that felt like.. so w/e if i was. i wasnt driving. Alls I know.. my skin was HOT, like burning.. but that probably had to so with the main afternoon fun outside.
So there you go, my first of (maybe) many more blogs.
Goodbye my fair-weathered friend.
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