Hey, this is going to be a short one. Nothing REALLY exciting has happened on account of me not being in school. So, I'm just going to list some things that have been going on.
Responsibility from the tree <<<
ECONOMY (suffering)
Can't wait for the new classes (ok, i just wrote that to pump myself up for next year)
Well, "the tree" refers to the picture to the left. That is my Grow-A-Christmas tree! It's grown so much since I left school. I wake up everyday and water it, and then at night I check on it. It's so cute. Of course it won't be big enough for this xmas, but maybe next year. I just really hope it doesn't die.
Ok, the economy. I never realized how bad it was. While I was at school, I never watched the news. OR talked with anyone about anything "worldly" like I used to with Grace. I miss our political discussions, and by discussions I mean that Grace and I agree on pretty much everything so no real arguing or anything. And when discussing politics with someone else who is on an opposing side it can never end too pretty. So I tend to stray away from a conversation if I don't agree. ANYWAY! it's gotten really bad, and I wish it would all just go away for everyone's sake.
So, as I've mentioned before. I've been knitting a whole bunch. It's really fun. With all crafts I like to further myself in new techniques and challenging projects, and this isn't any different.
I'm ready for my new classes. I've picked out some good teachers/ classes. At all acceptable times, and I'm just ready! I can't wait for art history. I'm ready to re-learn that stuff again. I just like reading it. I will most definitely outline the chapters, psychology style.
Bye, this was a lot longer than I thought...
Yea! First comment. Anyway, so yeah. We're doing secret santas again! Maybe I'll blog soon and you can read it.......sounds fun! We need to hang out again...
aww that's such a cute little tree.
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