Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday August 28

Hey, first let me say "my dearest apology" to ALL my readers.. i know it's been a while since I've blogged.

Well college will be starting soon, in about two weeks (September 15- classes start, September 12- i leave Lakeland). It isn't "bittersweet" as some might say. I'm excited to go, I am worried however on the social aspect of it. I just had such a great time at RISD and found people that i clicked with immediately, i'm worried it won't be like that at SCAD. I know i'll ace the school part, i mean.. it's art school, where do they really draw the line (no pun intended) on what is art and what is not art. I am bad a drawing, so that is numbero uno on things i'll be working on. Let me tell you my class schedule

Monday/ Wednesday - Design I 5 P.m.
Tuesday/ Thursday - Drawing I 5 P.m.
yes, 5 o'clock at NIGHT! that will be so weird. But i think i'll like it because I can do my hw and stuff way before class starts, because....yes, sometimes procrastinate..

Tuesday/ Thursday 11 a.m.- english composition- writing and junk, which i'm terrible at!

Wednesday - 9 a.m. - First Year seminar - i'll have that with "Gary" and my other 3rd. Uh, but i don't know what i'll be like. I think it is just a "get to know scad, how to be a good college student"

I know i did that sort of backwards, but I wanted to stress my 5 o'clock class. It will just be so weird. Oh, and no classes on fridays!


Ok, so I'm hypoglycemic - it just means I have really low blood sugar and I get bi-atchy when I'm hungry. I'm really sorry If I was rude to you when I was hungry.. But my mom was like.. Annie, you might have diabetes (it's like the same thing as hypo, but a little different, i just have to stay away from sugar and that sucks), so we need to take you to the doctor. Ok so I have to get blood drawn. First time! and it was not as bad as I thought. One day while we were still in Boze's Julie wanted me to give blood with her, and I was scared so I said "no". Now i regret that, we could have gotten punctured together.. but my fears held me back.. oh and I could've saved a life.

Well Pooky is gone, she left the worl.... country and continent. She'll succeed though for sure. It was a really smooth transition for me letting her go. I thought I would cry really bad, but I only shed a few tears.

Well I think i'll write on here some more. Bye chiggs