Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday August 28

Hey, first let me say "my dearest apology" to ALL my readers.. i know it's been a while since I've blogged.

Well college will be starting soon, in about two weeks (September 15- classes start, September 12- i leave Lakeland). It isn't "bittersweet" as some might say. I'm excited to go, I am worried however on the social aspect of it. I just had such a great time at RISD and found people that i clicked with immediately, i'm worried it won't be like that at SCAD. I know i'll ace the school part, i mean.. it's art school, where do they really draw the line (no pun intended) on what is art and what is not art. I am bad a drawing, so that is numbero uno on things i'll be working on. Let me tell you my class schedule

Monday/ Wednesday - Design I 5 P.m.
Tuesday/ Thursday - Drawing I 5 P.m.
yes, 5 o'clock at NIGHT! that will be so weird. But i think i'll like it because I can do my hw and stuff way before class starts, because....yes, sometimes procrastinate..

Tuesday/ Thursday 11 a.m.- english composition- writing and junk, which i'm terrible at!

Wednesday - 9 a.m. - First Year seminar - i'll have that with "Gary" and my other 3rd. Uh, but i don't know what i'll be like. I think it is just a "get to know scad, how to be a good college student"

I know i did that sort of backwards, but I wanted to stress my 5 o'clock class. It will just be so weird. Oh, and no classes on fridays!


Ok, so I'm hypoglycemic - it just means I have really low blood sugar and I get bi-atchy when I'm hungry. I'm really sorry If I was rude to you when I was hungry.. But my mom was like.. Annie, you might have diabetes (it's like the same thing as hypo, but a little different, i just have to stay away from sugar and that sucks), so we need to take you to the doctor. Ok so I have to get blood drawn. First time! and it was not as bad as I thought. One day while we were still in Boze's Julie wanted me to give blood with her, and I was scared so I said "no". Now i regret that, we could have gotten punctured together.. but my fears held me back.. oh and I could've saved a life.

Well Pooky is gone, she left the worl.... country and continent. She'll succeed though for sure. It was a really smooth transition for me letting her go. I thought I would cry really bad, but I only shed a few tears.

Well I think i'll write on here some more. Bye chiggs


Robert said...

Yea! I'm so glad you updated. it's nice to hear how you're doing, it was coool seeing you yesterday! Anyway we have to podcast this week soon cuz you're leaving like, wayy soon. I'm so excited for you though! I'm sure you'll be amazing there. :-)

jchampeau said...

giving blood really is not bad. and college campuses have bloodmobiles everywhere all the time!