Wednesday, October 22, 2008

hewoah you!

He-woah youuu!!!
So nothing really exciting has happened in my life. BUT, something very exciting WILL happen in a day or two (depending on how you look at things)! Julie Champeau aka jbaby aka Jewbaby aka Champy will be visiting me in Savvy for the weekend! I'm so excited that she is coming to visit and meet all the people i've been talking about for 5 weeks.

As far as school stuff, I'm finished with my collages in 2D. Thank god too, I was getting tired of looking at my old toothbrush in the collage. But during the critque, i got the most complements on the toothbrush. Now we're onto our Halloween project, which is a halloween scene and we cut out the negative space of the scene from a black piece of paper. I was thinking of using the castle that was used for Brideshead Revisited, but that was a little complicated with all the architectural elements.. Aka, the pediments and the cornices (shout out to APAH) So i decided to do a haunted house on a hill. I really wanted to just do a door with a latin saying above the door jamb. Possibly the title of the first chapter in brideshead revisited.. It went something like "Et Arcadia in Ego." Anyway, those are just ideas rolling inside my head.

Another thing, lately.. this is weird. I've been listening to Metro Station's Shake it. AND please dont get me wrong, it is a good and catchy tune. I love it, but it's so different from the songs i usually listen to. Anyway, just thought i'd get that out there.

Last thing, i gotta type a 900-1100 word essay on... the PIANIST! loves it, so i gotta get on dat before too long. But i just want to say that i miss baby gace. I finally got to talk to her on the phone after 2 months and it was so good to hear her voice. anyway...

XOXO gossip girl.


jchampeau said...

WWWWWOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!! eleven hours and counting!!!!! wooohooo!

I remember like four weeks ago you were like Julie, I really want you to come up and see everything and I was like yeah, whatever, or maybe or, if it happens blah blah blah. But it's actually happening! woohoooo!!!

Expect phone calls throughout my trip as I will probably be scared since I have never really done this before. But woooooohooooo!!!!

Get that paper done!!!


Julie Champeau aka jbaby aka Jewbaby aka Champy

Anonymous said...

When you told me you were listening to something different I definitely didn't expect that. I like metro station okay, but I think their best song is Kelsey.

I miss you too.

angelohhh said...

haha shake it?
metro station's pretty good

Anonymous said...

this is a test. (fight test)