Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New iTunes

So i updated my itunes today, i knew they came out with all new iPods yesterday... kind of odd to come out with stuff on tuesday, but they have New Music Tuesday, so I guess it comes in correlation to that. Anyway, I love the new Genius Playlist thing. I know at the Apple store they have a genius bar, and I love going to the Apple store to get my iPod fixed. Although having a broken iPod is a grim occasion, I get to go to the Apple store and have it looked at by a REAL genius so that is a treat.

But you should really check out the Genius Sidebar. It is a really neat feature. The only draw back is that it took forever to load my music, but I guess that is partly my fault for having a lot of music?? I only have about 6 gbs, and I don't think that is a lot. I don't have 13 gigs like someone I know, but still it took a long time.

Bye players.


Robert said...

I have soooo much music! lol I'm definitely going to check it out tho, the new ipods are super cool ooking too :-)

Annie Yano said...

I KNOW! I kinda wish I bought a touch, but I think I'm happy with what I have... the good old classic. I would have had to get the 16gb to be happy with the touch and that is about 50 bucks more than the classic. and I already have a phone that can go on the internet...

jchampeau said...


the touch is worth it! especially for those not privileged enough to have smartphones.