Saturday, September 27, 2008

hey it's the WEEKEND!

Ok, so let me first talk about the office. LOVED IT. Pure copier + toner + stapler love. I did not like some things in the office and my office experience. I'll list them

1). Not in the Champ's living room crowded around my bestest friends.
2). JAM proposal. What was up with that... nuh uh, not cool.
3). did I mention that I wasn't with avid office fans??

Ok, so i guess it was only two things that I didn't like. But those two things were crucial. I don't understand why the writers thought that was "cute." If I may quote Michael Gary Scott "It was LAME." Yeah, the rain was great, but at a gas station?? Pammy deserves better than that, and don't call her Pammy!

Ok so early on Thursday I had no english class (loved that), and then drawing. I really hate all the kids in my drawing class except about 3 kids. But i'm only really friends with one person. Later on my thursday evening.... what did I do?? Oh i remember, after the 14 people that were in my room for the office vacated we hit the sack.

Majors Fair. Majors fair is where every single major at SCAD has a booth set up and they tell you how GREAT that major is. Everyone had to go to get their passport stamped for their FYE class. So i got mine stamped, and was almost going to leave, but I was like ' I should just look around." Luckily the jewelry table was right near the door. I picked up the curriculum paper and talked to the jewelry people, told them I am A). A worker, B). A good worker and C). a hard worker. No, just kidding. I didn't want to seem to merciless. But I did tell them I was very convinced on Jewelry being my major. Other people in my group said that going to the majors fair made them more unsure of what they wanted to do.

Later on Friday-
Went to the Mexican Buffet. I don't like Mexican food, but I tried the Pico, Guacamole, and something called a tequito. Anyway, it was all good. I still wouldn't say i like Mexican food, and I know be me saying that I might lose some friendships. But I'm sorry, I just dont like tacos and stuff. I don't know.. Sue me!
- Then me and my roomie went to the Mall. Got my fav headphones... YES, skullcandy bihs! I love those things, they are made from angels i think.

Later Later on Friday- went to a Jazz Festival. It reminded me of my old Jazz band days when i would play the sax and piano for my middle school jazz band. Oh, at this concert there was a lot of smoke from ciggs, cigars, and other smokeable products. I was thinking.. I wonder if any people with nose rings have any cloves, and if they could pass me one and I could smoke some of it..... I didn't cross any pathes with any people with nose rings. :(
Later on that night we went to this coffee house and I had a wonderful Bubble milk tea. It reminded me of the old escapades Grack and I would take to Shanghai Express.

After the Jazz fest- we walked back to my room and watched a movie.

-Early Saturday-
Went to get pizza for lunch.
Came back, watched Royal Tenenbaums.
Lolo called me while I was trying to do my drawing homework.
I'm sorry that your besties are gone. Lolo as Outback steakhouse might say "get out there." Meaning, go call the IB girls. Or go get drunk and tell someone your pregnant.
Later on I think i'll be going to the mall.. and YES i'll be going to the Gap. I think I've found true love.

Letters are welcomed!

*Also, most of the ridiculous things I wrote in here were quotes from the Office. Please don't get confused*


Robert said...

I love reading your blog!!! haha. sounds like fun. And the office was amazing. :P

graceyan0 said...

Seriously, GAP? C'mon.....

jchampeau said...

in response to your blog:

1. agreed
2. hat are you talking about? it was perfect. they've always had a low key relationship so what's wrong with a low key proposal?
3. :(

I had bubble milk tea for my first time last week! to me, it was too milky, not enough tea-y and sue me for not liking the jellies. plus it costs the same as half an outift.

your welcome for my matchmaking skills w/GAP. SO SUCK IT GRACE! :)

Annie Yano said...

ooh i love bubble milk tea! there is this cafe that we frequent and it stays open till 2 a.m. we went there last night at like 11. it was great.

angelohhh said...

bubble milk tea!!! asian lol

skullcandies bihs :]