Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hello!!! My name is Annie and this is my first blog. First and foremost, this is a blog describing the meanderings of my life, and certain conversations that strike my fancy throughout the day that I think I should share with my fellow friends. So Anyway, let me explain day one of my blog day.

Well a wonderful start of the day, I woke up slightly, and surprisingly early -- at around 7:45..eesh. I was kind of excited, today was my tennis game in Sarasota and I was excited about being with my friends for a complete day of tennis and Saturday fun. But!! first I went to the Beacon Starbucks and had coffee with my meem (Mom). I've never really liked the starbucks on Beacon, the parking SUCKS and so does the service. So i'm trying to enter the lane into Starbucks, and this STUPID SUV is in the way, and there is a whole line of cars in the drive-through, and I was COMPLETELY baffled and worried about the Bucks police that was going to cite me for my horrible driving, but don't worry. I shimmied my self into a safe parking place....

OK, for the real stuff!!! So found out after 6 missed calls, and 4 voicemails.... the game was canceled, and there was an impromptu tennis practice at the courts. Anyway, after the wind got to our heads... we decided a picnic was in order. We picnicked at Barnett Park, and brought blankets, and our sandwiches for the matches. And of course we took pictures with the "gold people"... probably inappropriate pictures that will be used against us when we become notable. After that, we probably knocked about 10 years off of our ages and played on the playground with the other children. After that, we went to my friend's house and watched the office. Some wonder episodes....the last snippet of Gay Witch Hunt -301, Grief Counseling , and the ever wonderful Product Recall with an extra special watermark.

My day fully ended with drinkin the night away.. literally, but we left early so... the night ended at about 8:30. Anyway, I really want to better myself and introduce myself into new things, mainly I just want to possess knowledge in a cornucopia of topics... Wine was tonight's learning experience. Now, typically I NEVER drink, but as I said before...
aficionado... so I'd let my hair down (not literally, my hair is only pretty down) and taste the wine. So, i found not only do i loathe alcoholic beverages, they mainly taste like cough syrup, but i like the more mild to dry white wines. My mom kept thinking i was "buzzed" but I didnt know what that felt like.. so w/e if i was. i wasnt driving. Alls I know.. my skin was HOT, like burning.. but that probably had to so with the main afternoon fun outside.

So there you go, my first of (maybe) many more blogs.

Goodbye my fair-weathered friend.

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